How do I add, remove, show, or hide favorites?

Coinigy provides users a great way to display an abridged list of markets through the use of favorites. The use of favorites allows traders to only see the markets that are important to them. 


Showing and Hiding Favorites

To toggle between showing and hiding favorites, click the star in the Markets selection menu. A star that is filled in signifies that you are in a favorites-only view.


Favorites.png          Favorites_Added.png


Adding and Removing Favorites

Coinigy provides three easy ways to manage favorites: 

1. Managing Favorites from the chart

From the chart view, you can toggle if a market is a favorite by clicking the star in the upper right of the screen next to the trading pair. The star next to BTC/USD in the following image is hollow, meaning it is not a favorite.

This star in front of BTC/USD is filled in, meaning it is a favorite.




2. Managing Favorites from MarketWatch App

You can also manage favorites in the MarketWatch App. Click MarketWatch from the APPS dropdown.


To add a market, start typing the market in the upper-right search box, select the market and click the "+" symbol in the upper right.




To remove a market, click the red X on the right of the market.



3. Managing Favorites from Settings

Click "Favorites" from the "Profile" dropdown. Alternatively, you can click



Then you see the Markets available as Favorites. If you click the down-arrow on the left side of the screen.


Toggle the checkmarks to add/remove favorites.


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