How do I add an exchange's API Key to Coinigy?

If you would like to trade directly from within Coinigy, you will need to add the API keys from all of the exchanges that you have accounts on. Please refer to Available Exchanges to see what exchanges Coinigy supports. In order to add the keys, follow these steps:

 1. First, login into your account.

 2. Once logged in, click on the 'Settings' button in the upper right corner. In the dropdown menu that appears, click on 'API Accounts'.




3. Once inside the API Accounts page, find the box 'Add New Exchange' box under 'Add API Account'. Find and click the exchange you are trying to add to Coinigy


(Note: Some exchanges give you the option of allowing an API account to have the ability to transfer funds -- make sure you disable this function).







4. Once you have chosen your exchange, carefully input an account nickname, API key, API secret, and passphrase. You will need to access your API page in the exchange for your key, secret, and passphrase. 


5. Once all of the API information has been added, click the 'Confirm' button. You are now able to use Coinigy as a trading platform for the respective exchange.

If you have any issues or questions, please feel free to email

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